
I first came across the term equilibrium in the form of a piece of glass-art. It had the shape of a half of a very large eggshell, containing a glass ball. The ball was balancing in the tilted container exhibiting the slightest movement while finding its equilibrium. It was handmade by a Swiss glassblower. I bought it. This was probably 30 or even 40 years ago. It sat on my shelf for years. Each time I moved it, even just a little, it wiggled and found its balance once again.

I was intrigued by the idea of this glass ball so visibly finding its balance so simply. Unfortunately, I gave it away during my many moves. Nevertheless, it is still on my mind, and I often think about it, visualizing the ball moving slightly and eventually finding its equilibrium.

I regularly meditate and often sit on a pillow with no back support. I have noticed that sometimes my upper body starts to sway. At first, I forced my body to sit still. But then I started to wonder what might happen if I just let it swing.  So, I let my body follow its own course and only observed. Sometimes my upper body moved back and forth, other times side to side or diagonally, or in circles. It changed randomly. I never knew what direction it would take. It was fascinating to witness. Eventually, making fewer and fewer movements my body would come to a halt. I sat in absolute stillness. I soon realized that my body mirrored my inner state of either turmoil or stillness. If my thoughts quieted down, my body would also get still. Just like the glass ball in the egg-container, it found equilibrium.

In the agitated and upsetting times we are living in, I find that having a tool to settle down, get calm, and be quiet is extremely helpful. To find a counterbalance in all the commotion of our loud world, for me is indispensable. Do you have a tool you use as well?