Life Stories

Are There “Free Lunches?”

A friend of mine tells me about an event she is participating in. One of the many workshops you find on Maui’s spiritual scene. But it is also a beneficial event for the purpose of fighting for a clean environment for both Maui and our planet. Besides my friend is a guest speaker, so I decide to sign up for it.… Read more

A Journey Through The Dark

I arrived in Thailand ready for my second stay in The Darkroom where for nine days and nine nights, I would be without light or food, only liquids. Though very different from my first experience two years ago, it was just as transformative, just as deep and just as overwhelming as the first one.

A number of years ago, I heard about the opportunity to take a Darkroom-Retreat with Jasmuheen and was fascinated.… Read more

A Father’s Love

We all know a mother’s love. It is praised as “THE LOVE,” the love we all hopefully experienced when we were helpless babies, completely dependent on someone to take care of us. If one does not get enough of this kind of love in early childhood, there could be difficulties later on.

But what is a father’s love?… Read more

Colon Hydro Therapy or Two for One

I could never imagine that a simple Colon Hydro Therapy session could replace psychotherapy!

For quite a number of years, I have been treating myself to regular cleansing sessions in the spring. Colon Hydro Therapy is one of them. Once again it is the time, during the descending moon cycle, and time to lay me on the couch of my Colon Hydro Therapist in Maui.… Read more


Once upon a time, there was a time we still had time! Time to be, time to reflect, time to think about. In our times today, we don’t have time for anything. Have we lost time? Can you lose it, really?

I took the time to think about time because I had lots of time. Exactly 12 hours.… Read more

The Other Side Of Fear

At last I was back on my beloved Maui/HI. The endless beaches, breathing in the salty air, the swaying palmtrees, the powerful ocean full of surprises, the scorching sunlight – fantastic! It felt so good to feel these elements again in this unique wild and intense form unlike any place else in the world where I have been.… Read more

Life Stories

For my tenth birthday my father gave me a diary. It was dusky pink and made of leather and had a brass padlock with a tiny key. I thought this was the greatest gift I ever received and was very proud of it. From then on, I became a writer, of course not a writer who publishes books, but a diary writer.… Read more